Design Drafting Competition
Designed for Senior High School and College level students, the contest provides recognition to students for creative design, successful problem solving and craftsmanship in preparing architectural drawings. The objectives of the contest are to introduce the student to the construction industry in a positive and challenging manner, while fostering a sense of self-worth and building confidence.
Board Liaison: Tiffany Dazley |
Chairperson(s): Stacey Jardine, Kristine You​
Volunteers: Open​
Frequency: Occurs once a year usually in March or April
Brief description of responsibilities:
Reach out to High Schools and Tech Schools for student interest.
Distribute rules, problems, dates to interested schools.
Start early-takes students full school year/semester.
Find judges-they will judge projects prior to awards night.
Plan Award Banquet for teachers, students, student’s parents and chapter. Venue, food, decorations, placemats, speakers, certificates for participants, winner gift, project displays.
Thank you cards to judges and speakers.