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The Membership Committee is one of the most vital committees in our Association. Our Bylaws state, “The Membership Committee shall be responsible for devising ways to increase and maintain membership in the Association”. The Chapter level is most important as it has the most direct personal contact with the members. To devise ways to increase and maintain membership in the Associations. Provide resources and best practices to engage members. 

Board Liaison: Jennifer Montague |


Chairperson(s): Jennifer Montague​

Volunteers: Open, Rilee Mezenen, Emily Terrell​

Frequency: Ongoing throughout the year


Brief description of responsibilities:


  • New Members

    • Monthly review of membership list-welcome & initiate new members at membership meeting

    • New member welcome kits. Make sure everyone gets a name badge.

    • Assign new members to a committee. 

    • Introductions and networking.

    • New member NAWIC 101 orientation/breakfast. Held twice a year with new members, President and Membership Chair (or 2 board members if not available). 

  • Current Members

    • Random check in with members. Are they ok, are they getting what they want us of association. 

    • Encourage involvement. 

    • Send cards for milestones. 

    • Reach out if not coming to meetings or if life event.

  • Retention of Members

    • Reach out members who are close to having membership expire/those who are no longer members? Inform them of purpose, goals, benefits of organization. 

    • Spotlight one member at each membership meeting. 

    • Remote reach out -mix up meeting locations or offer virtual for those out of SLC area. 

  • Membership Meetings: 

    • Work with the PD&E to ensure high quality programs for the new year. These programs should: 1. Inform, educate and stimulate members personally and professionally 2. Respond to the needs and concerns of the industry 3. Promote Association programs and assist with other industry programs. Social activities are important to the association but need to be planned outside of membership meetings.

    • Facilitate monthly chapter meetings. Need to hold a minimum of 8 a year per National.

    • Assist with venue, food, speaker, activities, logistics, recognize sponsors.

    • Speaker gifts and Ways and means raffle

    • Help Special Events with Installation of Officers meeting.

    • Webinars/Lunch and Learns-can piggyback off National webinars. 

  • Networking/Social Meetings: 

    • Social activities are important to the association but need to be planned outside of membership meetings.

    • Facilitate social meetings. Venue, food, speaker, activities, speakers, insurance.

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